Testimony of Lori Wilton
Testimony of Lori Wilton October 9, 2004
As a child, I found comfort in eating. I was overweight all of my life. I tried every diet and supplements that came out on the market. I fought being over weight, but never seemed to conquer it. In my mid twenties I decided to take control of my weight and start exercising. I joined aerobics. I herniated two discs turning too far. I continued to balloon in weight again as I went back to the comfort food because ” it helped my pain”. I ended up having to have the two discs removed. Life went along, I recovered and continued to go up and down in my weight. Yes, I was the yo-yo dieter. Coming home from work one day I fell in an uncovered hole and smashed my knee. After two knee surgeries they told me there was nothing more they could do for me. I was to lose weight, arthritis had set in, and the weight was more than my joints could cope with. For more than 2 years I felt sorry for my self since I was on limited walking and decided to eat my way out of pain. I started developing stomach issues from the arthritis medicines.
My weight was ballooning out of control, I was developing diabetes and I started having blood pressure issues. I realized I was the only one to save myself. Not my husband, my children or my family or friends, it was ME. For six months I researched gastric bypass. My sister-in-law had gastric bypass, she was very successful with it. I talked to my husband, my children, my family, my boss and my doctor. All were very encouraging to me. They knew I was not feeling well. When you hurt it shows to everyone no matter how much you try to hide it. When I finally went in on November 18, 2002 for the gastric bypass. I was wearing a size 24 and weighed in at 239 lbs. It was not an easy surgery, but I decided I was going to make it work for me. As I continued to shrink like the incredible shrinking woman I knew it was all worth it. My children, family, co-workers and most of all, my husband were so inspiring, I could not ask for anything else, I thought. Their encouragement kept me going even through the tough times. My goal was to lose 104 lbs. and weigh in at 135 lbs. Soon clothes hung on me, as well as my skin. I was happy I was losing weight, but I knew I was still very ugly with all of the hanging skin.
On November 19 2003, I hit my goal of 135 lbs. 1 year and 1 day later. I knew I was unattractive. I was the one who looked in the mirror every day, although my husband told me how beautiful I had always been, heavy or thin. I was the one still not happy with me. I decided to look into having the excess skin removed. My stomach hung, my breasts hung very low with no volume and I had a lot of excess skin on my legs. I went to a plastic surgeon for a consultation and decided I really needed to think about the expense. He had wanted to do three separate surgeries over a course of a year. The insurance does not cover this even though to me it was a health issue in many ways. I went to a seminar that Dr. Greco had one evening, specifically for gastric bypass patients and skin removal. I had heard Dr. Greco and his group were excellent from prior patients I work with.
I decided that evening to set up an appointment to see what he could do for me. The night before the appointment he called me to confirm our appointment, which made me feel important immediately. In my mind I thought that was great customer service, I was the important one here. I met for the consultation and Dr. Greco told me we could do all three lifts in two surgeries. I had an Around The World and Thigh Lift on March 17, 2004. I was out of work for less than two weeks. On May 28, 2004 I had a Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation to put me back to the normal C cup I had always had. Missing 1 day of work It is truly amazing that even the normal person like you and I can help ourselves to look and feel better. You don’t have to be a movie star to be able to afford it. I continue to watch my weight and I weigh in regularly. I am exercising two to three times a week and eating better. My new motto is Eat to Live not Live to Eat, like I used to. I bounce up and down 5 lbs but I am OK with that. I have lost a total of 109 lbs and I am much happier with me.
I have never been able to look in the mirror and see someone not over weight. I could never thank Dr, Souza, Dr, Greco and their wonderful staff enough for giving me back my life. It has changed my life drastically for the better. It is nice not to hurt and complain continuously like I did. Being 41 years old, having a son 21 and a daughter 17, and a husband of 22 years, I look and feel better in my life than I ever have in my life. Would I do it all over again you ask? Two words would reply, YOU BET!!!!!!!! Please feel free to reach me through Dr. Greco’s office if you feel you need some words of encouragement. Just know that only you can help yourself. Before my dad passed away he told me “Lori, you can do anything you put your mind to”. I thank my dad and GOD everyday that they helped me to wake up before it was too late.
Lori Wilton
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