Neck Lift Surgery in Savannah
Locations Also in Hilton Head, Statesboro & Vidalia
Interested in neck lift surgery in Savannah? The board-certified plastic surgeons at The Georgia Institute for Plastic Surgery have provided innumerable patients with great-looking neck lift results. Patients travel to their office from all parts of Georgia, and even South Carolina! In the paragraphs below they describe the neck lift cosmetic surgery procedure, the best candidates for neck lift and the expected outcomes.
Neck lift refers to improving the age lines of your neck, sagginess, and/or a “turkey neck” appearance. The neck lift may be performed alone or in conjunction with a face lift when the jowls and face require treatment. Your neck adds poise to your face and is a focal point for first impressions.
Savannah Neck Lift Candidates
Neck Lifts work well for both women and men. The ideal candidate is usually in the age range of forties to seventies. A neck lift can bring a more healthy and vital appearance to your neck by improving your signs of aging.
Pre-Neck Lift Neck Lift
Your consultation in our office will help set reasonable expectations for the outcome of the neck lift procedure. It is important to inform your surgeon if you smoke or are taking any prescription drugs, over the counter medications, vitamins or supplements. You should especially inform your doctor if you are taking aspirin or other drugs that affect blood clotting. Our surgeons will review your medical history to accommodate for any medical conditions that will require attention before, during or after the procedure. These medical conditions may include, but not be limited to: uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood clotting problems, or the tendency to form excessive scars. You may be required to cease certain medications and/or take other medications prior to and following the neck lift procedure. You should feel renewed with a fresh, more youthful look after a neck lift procedure.
About The Neck Lift Procedure
Neck lift procedures are personalized to meet your specific goals. The procedure is performed at our state-of-the-art Savannah plastic surgery outpatient center – The Plastic Surgery Center. Most of our patients spend the night in our overnight facility. The procedure requires a few hours and is usually performed under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation medication. This allows you to breathe for yourself throughout the procedure and is safer that having it performed under general anesthesia. Some individuals elect to return home the day of the procedure. The procedure may be performed alone or in conjunction with a facelift when treatment of the face and jowls is required.
During the procedure, small incisions are made under the chin as well as in front of the ear and extending behind the ear. Your surgeon will then tighten the mid line neck muscles, remove excess fat deposits, and tighten the skin so it can be sutured into place with stitches.
Post Surgery Details
You will need someone to drive you home following the procedure and may require assistance with daily living activities for the next couple of days. Stitches are usually removed within seven to ten days of the procedure. You will not be able to do strenuous activity for approximately one week following surgery, including no work. You will be advised to refrain from saunas and hot tubs for several months.
Complications may occur with any medical procedure, and may include: hematoma (a blood clot), infection and an adverse reaction to anesthesia. Yet, complications can usually be managed by your surgeon. In addition, you may feel some temporary numbness after the procedure. Poor skin healing may affect some individuals, especially smokers. Scars will usually fade over the next two years of time. Complication risks are reduced by following the pre- and post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon.
Other Facial Cosmetic Surgery Procedures
In addition to neck lift, our plastic surgeons have also treated many Savannah face lift, brow lift, rhinoplasty (nose surgery) and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) patients. Please visit these other pages in our website to learn more about other facial cosmetic surgery procedures.
Before & After Gallery
Our talented plastic surgeons offer a wide range of cosmetic procedures designed to improve the appearance of the face, body and breasts. Options include the following:
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