BOTOX Cosmetic Services in Savannah
Locations Also in Statesboro, Vidalia, Hinesville & Effingham
Are you looking for non-surgical cosmetic treatment in the Savannah, Georgia area? The elite cosmetic surgeons at The Georgia Institute for Plastic Surgery offer a wide range of services for plastic surgery and cosmetic skin care patients including BOTOX Cosmetic treatment.
What is BOTOX?
BOTOX® Cosmetic is indicated for the temporary improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe glabellar lines (frown lines) asociated with corrugator and/or procerus muscle activity in adult patients who are 65 or younger.
Movement of corrugator and procerus muscles can cause the skin between the brows to crease. As skin becomes less elastic over time, repeated contraction of these muscles may create visible lines and wrinkles-even when the muscles are at rest.
BOTOX® Cosmetic is injected directly into the corrugator and procerus muscles, where it enters the nerve endings to block the release of acetylcholine, the chemical that causes muscles to contract. Once the muscles are at rest, the skin becomes smoother, creating a more natural and relaxed appearance.
In a clinical study with BOTOX® Cosmetic, the majority of patients (82.5%) reported an improvement in glabellar lines after a week. Results were still reported up to 4 months later.
Performed in the office, the simple, safe procedure takes about 10 minutes. Since the procedure is nonsurgical, no recovery time is needed. After BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment, your patients can get back to work or other activities right away.
Allergan’s BOTOX® product is the only one of its type with over 10 years of successful clinical experience in therapeutic conditions. With dosing specific to treat frown lines, this same product is now marketed as BOTOX® Cosmetic.
BOTOX Side Effects
The most common side effects following the use of BOTOX® Cosmetic for glabellar lines are headache (13.3%), respiratory infection (3.5%), temporary eyelid droop (3.2%), nausea (3.0%), and flu syndrome (2.0%). Blepharoptosis is consistent with the pharmacologic action of BOTOX® Cosmetic and may be technique related.
Less frequently occurring (<3%) adverse reactions included pain in the face, erythema at the injection site, and muscle weakness. These events are thought to be associated with the injection and occurred within the first week.
BOTOX® Cosmetic is contraindicated in the presence of infection at the proposed injection site(s) and in individuals with known hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the formulation. Do not exceed the recommended dosage and frequency of administration of BOTOX® Cosmetic. Patients with neuromuscular disorders may be at increased risk of clinically significant systemic effects including severe dysphagia and respiratory compromise from typical doses of BOTOX® Cosmetic.
Treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic for cosmetic purposes may result in the formation of antibodies that may reduce the effectiveness of subsequent treatments with BOTOX® Cosmetic for glabellar lines or BOTOX® for other indications. However, the potential for antibody formation may be minimized by injecting with the lowest effective dose given with the longest feasible intervals between injections.
To learn more about BOTOX Cosmetic Services, please contact us at The Georgia Institute For Plastic Surgery by phone at 800-260-7135.
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