Liposuction & Tummy Tuck Combination in Savannah
Locations Also in Hilton Head, Statesboro & Effingham
A large percentage of Savannah, GA patients choose to have liposuction performed at the same time as their tummy tuck. The most common liposuction areas are the sides and lower back {love handle}, the saddlebags, and the inner thighs. The reasons for combining both procedures are twofold. First of all, a more balanced figure with natural, harmonious proportions usually results from the combination of a tummy tuck and liposuction. Secondly, it saves the patient money as compared to coming back for a second operation to address the areas previously mentioned.
The addition of liposuction to a tummy tuck does not significantly increase ones recovery period.
For more information, please read the information on Abdominoplasty and Liposuction.
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Our talented plastic surgeons offer a wide range of cosmetic procedures designed to improve the appearance of the face, body and breasts. Options include the following:
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